Multi Plast 1038
Pack Size: 25kg

Multi Plast 1038

Package: 25kg

Cementitious Polymer Modified Waterproof Structural Repair Mortar

MULTIPLAST 1038 ensures that repairs to new and old structures are waterproof and further protects the concrete from deterioration by preventing penetration of chloride irons, sulphates, etc. Being cement based, the MULTIPLAST 1038 repair system protects embedded steel by creating a passive (alkaline) environment as well as ensuring thermal compatibility with the base concrete.

Typical Applications

Repair Of concrete pipes/ precast concrete. Repair of damaged structural concrete used as a water-tight plaster / caulking mortar for beams and columns. Offshore structures and sewage-works, marine environments exposed to constant contact with sea water. Repairs and renovations to squash court walls. Repairs to honeycombing. 

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MULTIPLAST 1038 ensures that repairs to new and old structures are waterproof and further protects the concrete from deterioration by preventing penetration of chloride irons, sulphates, etc. Being cement based, the MULTIPLAST 1038 repair system protects embedded steel by creating a passive (alkaline) environment as well as ensuring thermal compatibility with the base concrete.

Typical Applications

Repair Of concrete pipes/ precast concrete. Repair of damaged structural concrete used as a water-tight plaster / caulking mortar for beams and columns. Offshore structures and sewage-works, marine environments exposed to constant contact with sea water. Repairs and renovations to squash court walls. Repairs to honeycombing. Repairs to aerated concretes and mortars wherever a highly durable repair topping or render is required to ensure maximum resistance to salt penetration, sulphates…


  • Spot repairs or mass mortar renovations
  • Thermal movement similar to base concrete
  • Vertical and horizontal applications
  • Mechanical impact resistance
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Water surface absorption 90% less than concrete
  • Good bond to concrete substrates
  • Resistant to sewage attack
  • Resistant to mild acids, alkalis and petroleum salts


Typical Properties


12 Litre kits


1.2m2 @ 10mm

Working Time

20 min

Initial Set Time

2 hours

Hard Set Time

12-18 hours

Application Temperature

15°C to 25 °C

Application Thickness

2mm - 100mm

Compressive Strength

35 MPa (28 days)

Flexural Strength

4.0 MPa

Tensile Strength

3.4 MPa

Water / 25Kg Bag


Watch Points

  • Do not re-constitute the mix after initial setting has occurred.
  • Do not apply more than 10mm thickness per vertical surface application.
  • Do not apply in direct sunlight where surfaces are hot, or in strong winds without using curing compounds.

Directions for Use

Surface Preparation:

Surfaces are to be clean, sound and free of deleterious substances. Remove all laitance, oil, grease, mould oil or curing compound from concrete surfaces using wire brush, bush hammer, scabbler or other plant as appropriate. When repairing damaged concrete, ensure that all loose concrete has removed down to a firm base. Note construction joints that need to be carried through the floor to surface.


Prime all clean and prepared surfaces with a bonding slurry made with equal volumes of water, MULTI BOND 1070 and cement. Allow to dry and then wet down before proceeding with the MULTI PLAST 1038 application. For applications greater than 40mm in thickness, use MULTIPOXY 1305 Wet to Dry Epoxy Adhesive as a primer. If inserting new reinforcing bars, coat same with MULTI METAL PRIMER prior to proceeding with the repair.


Apply and compact MULTIPLAST 1038 from 2mm to 100mm dependent on repair size geometry. On larger vertical areas, layers should not exceed 10mm in thickness, though several layers can be applied in quick succession, each layer being allowed to obtain initial set before the next is applied (usually 2 hours between layers, dependent on ambient temperature conditions). Finish off the final surface. Alternatively scratch the first coat after application, allow to dry overnight and then apply second layer. Cure with water or with MULTI CURE 200. Squash court walls, new or recoated: Remove existing plaster to brick or concrete face and scarify where necessary to obtain a rough and sound surface. Wash down with water, pre-saturate prepared surface and apply bonding slurry of equal parts cement, water and MULTI SCREED PRIMER to surface. Allow to dry and then we down before applying MULTIPLAST 1038 to the required thickness then strike off to desired profile and wood float. As soon as the MULTIPLAST 1038 has firmed, steel trowel to final finish. Cure with MULTICURE 200.

Equipment Care

All tools should be cleaned with water immediately after use. If delayed, equipment will need mechanical action to clean or be discarded.


Supplied in 25KG bags.

Quality Assurance

Multi Construction Chemicals South Africa (PTY) Ltd production and testing programs comply with all local and international testing standards.



Data sheet

Natural Grey

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